Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life Lessons


When I was a child my mother taught me not to wipe the steam from the mirror after I shower. The reason is that the steam tends to carry dead skin and other particles that you wash from your body. Gross right, and if you wipe it with your towel the stuff you just washed away transfers to the towel and back to you as you dry off.

Last night my roommate had just come from the shower and i popped into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My toothbrush was dripping with condensation from his shower!


Yesterday I was watching a British car show called Top Gear with my sweetie when my roommate brought an old friend by. (Someone I have known for years independently of the roommate) They sat down on the couch to make armour and my sweetie and I stayed around his computer watching clips of the show on youtube. Example (worth watching the whole thing!)

Now my laugh is not some pretty girlish giggle. It's prett weird. There's a scene in the movie Amelie about laughs. I am all those wierd laughs together plus some crow cawing sounds for good measure. I was once told by a very EX boyfreind I should never laugh in public. Ever.

I remember taking that to heart and being embaressed by my laugh. For a long time I didn't laugh at all. Then one day my Mum commented that she was so happy to hear me laugh when I'm around my sweetie. I realized how much better I felt about it. That I had been stiffling myself for no good reason. Much of the time I still only smile at something I find funny but I'm aware now and try not to supress myself. Last night when I was laughing, harsh bursts of coughlike laughs, not pretty to be sure. I didn't stop because there were other people around. I wasn't embaressed by it anymore.

Laughing is healthy, it's good for the soul and I'm not ever going to give that up for anyone again.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Been getting lots of moving done, yessiree.

It's been great having the new roomies help with boxes since my sweetie is out of commission.

The apartment feels empty without any books in it.

I havn't done any writing since last Monday though I did get about half of a short story written at that time, the rest of it is knocking around my head for a bit like a rock in a tumbler. I'll pull it out and put it to paper when it looks a little better. Or so I tell myself.

I have a few writing projects on the go now so I need to focus and get some of them finished before I get overwhelmed.

I also have a finished micro-fiction called The Last Laugh that is begging to be turned loose.

I'd feel bad about putting off the writing but moving is hard and I'm still doing more now then I have since high school. In my book that's a win.

Heh, in my book.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


My sweetie was injured at work yesterday. He pulled or tore something in his left forearm. The doctor has said no heavy lifting for two weeks.

As we are moving during the month of May this means he's out of commission for the majority of moving time.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

A happy mothers day to all!

The sweetie and I went to my Mum's and made her sushi for dinner. Tasty.

Sweetie called his mom down and they had a nice chat. As a rule boys who are good to their mothers make excellent boyfriends and my sweetie certainly makes me believe it.

I gave my mom a bar of organic hemp soap, patchouli scented (her favorite) and shaped like the goddess. (Picture stolen from fellow blogger Irish Gumbo)

The soap is hand crafted by a local artist.

I purchased the soap at mimi and lulu's. Here's a link to their facebook group with some amazing photo's of their awesome shop.

Saturday, May 09, 2009



When I am sleeping, I am not writing. I can make excuses like "I dream up excellent plots and stories and characters when I sleep". But I am still not writing.

New goal: Sleep less, write more.


Soon I will be moving to a new apartment. Apparently this means spending a lot of money on things like tables and vacuums and other things. I am unemployed but that doesn't mean I don't have cash to shell out for a bunch of stuff/services that I don't need/can't afford right? Might need to have a chat with the soon to be roomies soon. I hate confrontation.


Is it wrong that I have the urge to add bacon to many of the vegan recipes I cook? I'm not actually a vegan I just find the recipes tasty, healthy cheap and super easy to prepare.

Friday, May 08, 2009


Friday, mostly meaningless to unemployed accountants such as myself. Except my sweetie can stay up late.

Tonight we roleplay!

The game is "Steamclaw".

This is something we came up with ourselves using a melding of Jadeclaw/Ironclaw and Steampunk.

I play a goat that builds dirigibles.

What is more awesome than that?

Thursday, May 07, 2009



Pronunciation:\e-ˈklek-tik, i-\
Function:adjective, noun
Etymology:Greek eklektikos, from eklegein to select, from ex- out + legein to gather
Date: 1683

1: (adjective) selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles
2: (noun) composed of elements drawn from various sources
; also : Heterogeneous
eclec·ti·cal·ly; pronunciation: \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb


Function:noun combining form
Etymology:New Latin, from Greek philia friendship, from philosophy dear

1 : friendly feeling toward
2 : tendency toward
3 : abnormal appetite or liking for
