Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life Lessons


When I was a child my mother taught me not to wipe the steam from the mirror after I shower. The reason is that the steam tends to carry dead skin and other particles that you wash from your body. Gross right, and if you wipe it with your towel the stuff you just washed away transfers to the towel and back to you as you dry off.

Last night my roommate had just come from the shower and i popped into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My toothbrush was dripping with condensation from his shower!


Yesterday I was watching a British car show called Top Gear with my sweetie when my roommate brought an old friend by. (Someone I have known for years independently of the roommate) They sat down on the couch to make armour and my sweetie and I stayed around his computer watching clips of the show on youtube. Example (worth watching the whole thing!)

Now my laugh is not some pretty girlish giggle. It's prett weird. There's a scene in the movie Amelie about laughs. I am all those wierd laughs together plus some crow cawing sounds for good measure. I was once told by a very EX boyfreind I should never laugh in public. Ever.

I remember taking that to heart and being embaressed by my laugh. For a long time I didn't laugh at all. Then one day my Mum commented that she was so happy to hear me laugh when I'm around my sweetie. I realized how much better I felt about it. That I had been stiffling myself for no good reason. Much of the time I still only smile at something I find funny but I'm aware now and try not to supress myself. Last night when I was laughing, harsh bursts of coughlike laughs, not pretty to be sure. I didn't stop because there were other people around. I wasn't embaressed by it anymore.

Laughing is healthy, it's good for the soul and I'm not ever going to give that up for anyone again.

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